John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jesus is the reason, for this season

Servants & Pastoral Ministries

To carry out its mission effectively, the FCPC shall have the following ministries:

  1. Worship / Liturgy Ministry
  2. This ministry is the source and summit of Christian life hence the ministry shall provide a healthy environment and time for the Filipino faithful to pray and worship together as individuals, families and communities.

    • Aims at the highest form of active participation of the faithful mindful of their cultural practices and traditions
    • Selects together with the council, prepares and trains altar servers (boys and girls), lectors/readers of the Word of God (men and women), Eucharistic ministers (men and women) for liturgical events
    • Sees to it that in all liturgical events choirs are informed and assigned; altar servers, lectors/readers, Eucharistic ministers are rostered and assigned, mass sponsors solicited/approached and assigned
    • Takes the lead in keeping the faithful liturgically formed and informed
    • Liaises with diocesan agencies on matters of liturgy and worship

    For more information or queries please email

    Roman Zarate (EM Coordinator)
    Renz Ebue (Altar Servers Coordinator)
    Francis Faraon (Lectors Coordinator)
    Geo Robrigado (Music Coordinator)


  3. Education / Formation Ministry
  4. This ministry has the task of catechesis providing the means and avenues for a better and deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith based on Catholic teachings: Scriptures, Dogmas/Doctrines, Commandments and Papal encyclicals.

    • Shall draw up programmes in close coordination with and chaplain and leads in the conduct/implementation of such programmes from the sacramentals for young children to family life formation-before, during and after marriage
    • Provides a sustained education in Faith programmes for the devotional/cause religious oriented organizations, e.g. block rosary, BEC, Our Lady of Perpetual Help novenas, ME, CFC and the likes.
    • Organizes a sustained Bible sharing groups, prayer meetings, charismatic fellowships, etc.
    • Liaises with diocesan agencies on matters of formation and education

    For more information or queries please email

    Children's Liturgy Catechists: Ron Perez, Wilma Angell, Miriam Villalba

  5. Service / Outreach Ministry
  6. Our worship and a deeper appreciation of our faith move us to share our blessings in charity to our neighbours in faith.

    • Organizes a programme that identifies and reaches out to those materially, physically and emotionally in need.
    • Initiates and sustains a special programme crafted to care for the needs of newly arrived migrants and their families.
    • Organizes/Coordinates programmes/activities that would enhance the social awareness and responsibility of the faithful, e.g. seminars, workshops, gatherings which have social and communal relevance
    • Leads in responding to the directives, programmes of the Archdiocese in matters of social justice, peace and development

    For more information or queries please email
